Comments on: Your Charming Chairman standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Sat, 05 Apr 2008 18:57:55 +0000 By: Andy Mabbett Andy Mabbett Fri, 09 Nov 2007 16:22:52 +0000 I'm sure they couldn't find a more gullible idiot^W^W^W better person for the job. I’m sure they couldn’t find a more gullible idiot^W^W^W better person for the job.

By: Karl Karl Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:42:14 +0000 Congratulations Jack, in the formative stage of anything being organised you need people with passion - and you definitely have that mate. I'm glad that PSWMG is (no longer?) overly worried about a member being a "manager" - I'm a grassroots grade 5 worker bee at the moment and if I'm unlucky enough to still be in the public sector come January then I may look at PSWMG closer. Congratulations Jack, in the formative stage of anything being organised you need people with passion - and you definitely have that mate. I’m glad that PSWMG is (no longer?) overly worried about a member being a “manager” - I’m a grassroots grade 5 worker bee at the moment and if I’m unlucky enough to still be in the public sector come January then I may look at PSWMG closer.
