Comments for ThePickards standards, accessibility, and ranting and general stuff by the web chemist Sat, 05 Jul 2008 20:20:59 +0000 Comment on He Works For Me… by Laurence Laurence Sat, 05 Jul 2008 10:31:03 +0000 Having never voted for a Conservative in a general election, despite living in True Blue suburbia, I was concerned to observe that I have more sympathy with my MP's voting record than Dave Blaydon's...:-( Having never voted for a Conservative in a general election, despite living in True Blue suburbia, I was concerned to observe that I have more sympathy with my MP’s voting record than Dave Blaydon’s…:-(

Comment on He Works For Me… by JackP JackP Sat, 05 Jul 2008 08:14:51 +0000 ...of course, the tricky bit is that you can only see the voting record of the <em>incumbent</em>; you'll have to make your own mind up what the voting record of the people standing against them is likely to be -- although my bet would be 'a tendency to toe the party line' in most cases... …of course, the tricky bit is that you can only see the voting record of the incumbent; you’ll have to make your own mind up what the voting record of the people standing against them is likely to be — although my bet would be ‘a tendency to toe the party line’ in most cases…

Comment on The Asparagus Men Of Mars by The Goldfish The Goldfish Fri, 04 Jul 2008 20:19:52 +0000 We've been speculating about asparagas in space ever since this news story. What if there is plenty of life out there in the universe but it is all asparagas-related? And there is intelligent life but it is basically sentient asparagas? We’ve been speculating about asparagas in space ever since this news story. What if there is plenty of life out there in the universe but it is all asparagas-related? And there is intelligent life but it is basically sentient asparagas?

Comment on He Works For Me… by (Ex) Collegue Man (Ex) Collegue Man Fri, 04 Jul 2008 20:05:37 +0000 Other than gay rights I disagree very strongly with what he voted for then, ID cards possibly still has the favour of the majority, but thanks to David Davis hopefully this will get a proper discussion now not just tabloid headlines leading the sheep to believe we are at risk. Other than gay rights I disagree very strongly with what he voted for then, ID cards possibly still has the favour of the majority, but thanks to David Davis hopefully this will get a proper discussion now not just tabloid headlines leading the sheep to believe we are at risk.

Comment on Webcredible vs Better connected by paul canning paul canning Fri, 04 Jul 2008 19:11:27 +0000 Thanks for this. I only scanned it and - yes - also spotted some doozers. I don't think the user priorities are right. What's on (kids/pools etc) i think would rank right up top. As you say, no methodology for how they decided this. Most usability issues can be addressed by actually talking to customers. That's why I have 'cheaper usability methods' in my '10 pt plan). xp Thanks for this. I only scanned it and - yes - also spotted some doozers.

I don’t think the user priorities are right. What’s on (kids/pools etc) i think would rank right up top. As you say, no methodology for how they decided this.

Most usability issues can be addressed by actually talking to customers. That’s why I have ‘cheaper usability methods’ in my ‘10 pt plan).


Comment on He Works For Me… by mark fairlamb mark fairlamb Fri, 04 Jul 2008 12:34:05 +0000 did you vote for him? i didn't and as it happens i agree with his voting patterns more than you do. just goes to show...., did you vote for him?
i didn’t and as it happens i agree with his voting patterns more than you do.
just goes to show….,

Comment on Webcredible vs Better connected by PaulG PaulG Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:30:33 +0000 Totally agree with this comment: "So Council sites which provide text resizing controls will score better than ones which don’t. However, a Council which educates their users how to adjust their own browser text size settings is actually of more benefit to the users — because this will enable them to change their text size on any site they come across, rather than just on that particular council site." In fact, I downloaded the report, spotted that bit you quoted and promptly dismissed the whole thing - I was so disgusted. I like your comments about finding councillors too, I think you are really spot on there. People dont live in wards - they live in houses, which are in roads. This is the kind of thing LAs really struggle to get right, they simply cannot bend their cmss to do anything like this. I am working on a small council focussed cms, and made my mind up to only return to this report as part of a feature checklist, just about its only use. The Better Connected report it is derived from is just a grey soup of common practices, never thinking out of the box, and usually missing the big sea changes going on around us on the real web. I continue to question the value of regurgitating and showing us the mirror the results of technical and buying decisions that were made, what, two years ago? Let me give you two examples: This is the first year that BC has mentioned RSS ! I started using it on an LA site at the end of 2002! Lets analyse that. A significant new technology arrives which allows the sharing of data between organisations websites, and allows users to subscribe to the news they wish to follow. Did that only scream joined up government to me then? Was I on my own? Apparently not. This year there are loads of LA sites with RSS feeds of their own. How did these disparate organisations come to this decision? Not by reading Better Connected - that was for sure. Up until LAST years report, points were deducted for NOT having a "text only version" of their website, then mysteriously they are deducted points for having one! By my reckoning that makes about 8 years of telling 450 IT departments that they should ideally do something that anyone with an iota of accessibility knowledge knows is just plain morally wrong, expensive, error prone and stupid. Wrongness, uncertainty, doubt and bad steers emanate from these reports - the flaws are built in, because the nature of the beast is the internet. I have to read for at least an hour a day just to keep up with the changes in my particular corner of the web! Blingy text-size changers are the "text-only version"s of tomorrow. Loved by designers, loved by Councillors because the designers told them it made the site "more usable". They will be discredited because of the reasons you point out and, mainly, they subvert the w3c standards. Period. Totally agree with this comment:

“So Council sites which provide text resizing controls will score better than ones which don’t. However, a Council which educates their users how to adjust their own browser text size settings is actually of more benefit to the users — because this will enable them to change their text size on any site they come across, rather than just on that particular council site.”

In fact, I downloaded the report, spotted that bit you quoted and promptly dismissed the whole thing - I was so disgusted.

I like your comments about finding councillors too, I think you are really spot on there. People dont live in wards - they live in houses, which are in roads.

This is the kind of thing LAs really struggle to get right, they simply cannot bend their cmss to do anything like this.

I am working on a small council focussed cms, and made my mind up to only return to this report as part of a feature checklist, just about its only use.

The Better Connected report it is derived from is just a grey soup of common practices, never thinking out of the box, and usually missing the big sea changes going on around us on the real web.

I continue to question the value of regurgitating and showing us the mirror the results of technical and buying decisions that were made, what, two years ago?

Let me give you two examples:

This is the first year that BC has mentioned RSS ! I started using it on an LA site at the end of 2002!

Lets analyse that. A significant new technology arrives which allows the sharing of data between organisations websites, and allows users to subscribe to the news they wish to follow. Did that only scream joined up government to me then? Was I on my own? Apparently not. This year there are loads of LA sites with RSS feeds of their own. How did these disparate organisations come to this decision?

Not by reading Better Connected - that was for sure.

Up until LAST years report, points were deducted for NOT having a “text only version” of their website, then mysteriously they are deducted points for having one!

By my reckoning that makes about 8 years of telling 450 IT departments that they should ideally do something that anyone with an iota of accessibility knowledge knows is just plain morally wrong, expensive, error prone and stupid.

Wrongness, uncertainty, doubt and bad steers emanate from these reports - the flaws are built in, because the nature of the beast is the internet. I have to read for at least an hour a day just to keep up with the changes in my particular corner of the web!

Blingy text-size changers are the “text-only version”s of tomorrow. Loved by designers, loved by Councillors because the designers told them it made the site “more usable”.

They will be discredited because of the reasons you point out and, mainly, they subvert the w3c standards.


Comment on Eleventh Doctor? by Andrea Andrea Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:30:05 +0000 [POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING] I've heard a rumour that the regeneration goes wrong, resulting in the hand kept in torchwood AND the original Doctor both regenerating into Doctors played by David Tennant. That would explain David being kept on contract for the specials, wouldn't it?.... [POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING]

I’ve heard a rumour that the regeneration goes wrong, resulting in the hand kept in torchwood AND the original Doctor both regenerating into Doctors played by David Tennant.

That would explain David being kept on contract for the specials, wouldn’t it?….

Comment on Swinging The Swing Bridge by Graham (drummer dad) Graham (drummer dad) Thu, 03 Jul 2008 19:32:29 +0000 Jack, found this.... Jack, found this….

Comment on Joey Barton by JackP JackP Thu, 03 Jul 2008 07:34:18 +0000 @mark, true - and since the December incident of last year (the one he went to jail for), he's supposedly been a changed man, with what he's been doing at the Sporting Chance clinic. But I still think he's a fight waiting to happen... @mark, true - and since the December incident of last year (the one he went to jail for), he’s supposedly been a changed man, with what he’s been doing at the Sporting Chance clinic.

But I still think he’s a fight waiting to happen…
