Doner Card: Please Eat My Kebab (National Donor Day)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 17:30 | Filed in Funnies, Science

It’s National Donor Day, to celebrate and commemorate those people who give blood, or donate organs after their death and keep other people going. It’s a good cause, so I thought it worthy of mentioning on the blog.

However, what with me being, well … me, I thought the best way to handle such a subject would be flippantly and, more importantly, to take the piss.

So I thought I’d browse through google images to find a Doner Card. These were designed to look like the old-style organ donor cards, but basically carried a message saying that “I would like someone to help themselves to my kebab in the event of my death”. See? Doner — kebab?

Unfortunately, I couldn’t actually find one. I found a couple of variations on the theme, but none that said specifically what I was looking for. In other words it was something nobody had bothered to copy onto the internet. Shock! Horror!

Doner card - old style (flickr)

So I had to make up a couple myself…

Firstly, we have the ‘old-style’ Doner Card. This was the one I actually remember having (both real and spoof versions), but the donor card which it is based on is not actually in use anymore — you can see the new style at UK Transplant’s how to become a donor.

And then next it was the new heart-style *ahem* doner card.

Doner card -- new style (flickr)

Obviously they aren’t perfect — they are something I’ve cobbled together in about twenty minutes — but as there previously weren’t any of them on the internet, and now there are some that people can use, that’ll do for now.

Oh, and if you have enjoyed this diversion (and even if you haven’t), why not consider giving blood, or donating organs? Although for the second one you might wish to wait until after your death as hacking out your own kidneys and posting them to a hospital is likely to cause more problems than it resolves.

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2 Comments to Doner Card: Please Eat My Kebab (National Donor Day)

  1. Gary Miller says:

    April 7th, 2009 at 6:57 pm

    I’d like to donate my liver. Unfortunately, the only thing it could really be used for is a lace curtain!

  2. chartroose says:

    April 7th, 2009 at 11:35 pm

    Har! I’d donate my brain, but I’m afraid it’s too addled to be recyclable.

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