Friday Joke: Gone Fishin’

Warning: a long and no doubt tiresome joke likes ahead. It’s so old and worn that it has leather patches on the sleeves. Proceed at your own risk!

Okay then, here we go: A managing director of a large multinational company is on holiday on Corfu, and him and his wife are having a chat in a local taverna one evening when they get talking to a local fisherman.

MD: “I tell you what! Why don’t you take us out for a tour round the island in your boat tomorrow?”

Fisherman: “Sure — but you’ll have to pay me though, because I’d be losing my fishing catch.”

MD: “Not a problem, not a problem.”

Fisherman: “Right then, I’ll meet you down at the harbour at 1pm tomorrow.”

Sure enough, they all meet up the next day and wander out on a lovely little boat trip under clear blue skies. The businessman wonders why they started so late though, and eventually gives in and asks…

Fisherman: “Ah, well you see, I start at 1pm because I sleep so late. I like to have a lie in, take it slowly, do enough fishing to get by and then spend my evenings in the taverna!”

MD: “But you could make much more money if you started at 9 am!”

Fisherman: “And what would I do with the money?”

MD: “Well, if you worked extremely hard, after a couple of years you’d have enough to buy a second boat!”

Fisherman: “But what would I do with a second boat?”

MD: “Well, you could employ someone to go fishing in it. If you worked really hard, over a period of five to ten years, you could own your own fishing fleet!”

Fisherman: “But why would I want to do that?”

MD: “Well, if you worked very hard at running your company for a few years, you’d probably be able to retire!”

Fisherman: “And what would I do then?”

MD: “What would you do? Why, you sell up, of course! Then you can use the proceeds to buy a little house in a coastal village somewhere, maybe a little boat, take it easy in the mornings and you can spend your evenings in the taverna!”

One Response to “Friday Joke: Gone Fishin’”

  1. Mike Cherim responds:

    Cute. I like it. The MD logic is just killer.

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