Wii are 20

Yes, according to my Wii, I have achieved peak fitness. I apparently have the body of a 20 year old. And no cracks about it being buried under the floorboards, please …

Wii fitness screen showing the Jack Mii with an age of 20

Dan achieved a fitness of 20 on the 13th January, putting him fifteen days ahead of me. On the other hand, I think he got his Wii on the 9th of December, putting him 16 days ahead of me. On that basis, I think it’s sufficiently close to call that a draw. What d’ya reckon Dan? Call that even?

You may notice from the picture that I’ve been consistently scoring between about 25 and 30 — apart from yesterday when I put in a particularly bad shift and came out as thirty seven — but to be honest I’ll put that down to the fact that yesterdays fitness test had two of the boxing ones, and I just can’t do the boxing ones.

Obviously I also started off very badly — with a fitness age of 79 on my first attempt (boxing day) but I quickly progressed up the charts once I started to get the hang of the various games …

For anyone who actually cares, I achieved my 20 by virtue of hitting the ball 27 times out of thirty on the baseball “hitting practice” game, doing pretty well on the bowling “power throws” game with four strikes, and then scoring what I felt was a rather poor 375 on the golf target practice game (where my record is 675). Still, it was good enough, eh?

7 Responses to “Wii are 20”

  1. Dan responds:

    On that basis, I think it’s sufficiently close to call that a draw. What d’ya reckon Dan? Call that even?

    Ha, nice try, black kernigget. What are you going to do, bleed on me? :-)

  2. JackP responds:

    Actually, I tell a lie. My record on the golf target practice is 750. Come on then Dan, how many gold medals you got in the training then, Mr. Thinks-He’s-Tough?

  3. Dan responds:

    Come on then Dan, how many gold medals you got in the training then, Mr. Thinks-He’s-Tough?

    Err, two I think. And one platinum. Okay then, we’ll call it a draw.

  4. permanent tangent » Wii are 20 responds:

    [...] to get my Fitness age down to 20. I think this may beat Jack Pickard who posted a month ago in his Wii are 20 [...]

  5. Seb Crump responds:

    I have finally managed to obtain a Wii today - first thing I did was the fitness, given that I had know idea what to do I guess 68 wasn’t bad. Tried a few of the training and only the tennis game so far.

    How are you getting on with your’s? Is it still in regular use or gathering dust? Any tips, tricks, game suggestions or reviews?

    Cheers, Seb

  6. permanent tangent » Wii arrived today - now how to turn it off! responds:

    [...] already I have a sore arm, must learn not to be so violent with it! Dan was first, then came Jack and now me. Though I am yet to reach this magic 20, I did get 52 on my first attempt, and feel [...]

  7. Wii arrived today - now how to turn it off! - permanent tangent responds:

    [...] already I have a sore arm, must learn not to be so violent with it! Dan was first, then came Jack and now me. Though I am yet to reach this magic 20, I did get 52 on my first attempt, and feel [...]

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