Wii’re Waiting For…

When I posted the other week about not really knowing what to talk about, someone suggested that I update you all with what’s been happening on the Wii lately.

Well, lately, nothing.

I nearly bought a new game yesterday, but I didn’t. I’m absolutely desperate to get a new game. The only problem is which one to get. Apparently, Tomb Raider is being developed for the Wii, but I’ve got a sneaking suspicion “under development” means “may be available late 2008, if you’re lucky”, which means that with any luck I can be thinking of getting another game by the time that comes out.

On Wii sports, my favourite game is the tennis one, and I believe there is apparently a Wii ‘Tennis Masters’ game due for release in August. Whether it actually is released in August is debatable, since I can’t find so much as a screenshot for it anywhere. If the game comes out, and if it looks good, I might go for it.

The Wii Sports tennis is a cartoonish doubles, best of 5 games event. No sets, no tie breaks, no tournaments, no different surfaces. I want a tennis equivalent to the Tiger Woods golf game: I want to compete in “real” tournaments, against “real” players, try and improve my world ranking and play in Wimbledon and the French Open. I want to take part in a tie-break, play singles and take part in a 5-set match.

If Tennis Masters looks half decent, and can give me that, I’ll be first in the queue.

I’m not going to hold my breath though, because I heard there was a football game coming out, and it turned out to be some sort of Super Mario cartoon thing with Super Mario characters, power-ups, balls that catch fire and the ability to fire six shots at once. That’s not football. That’s something like the Overtime Multi-Ball in the Budweiser adverts where they pretended to show us how they would improve football, before finishing with the slogan “you do the football; we’ll do the beer”.

Nice adverts. Crap idea for a game.

When I want a football game, I want 11-a-side. I want formations, tactics; kick-off 2 or sensible soccer style: I can maybe put up with this newer games at a push, but not 5-a-side, not cartoon animals, and most certainly not Super flipping Mario.

So what games have I been looking at then? Well, the serious decision has been between Scarface: The World Is Yours — basically a gangster game where you have to go round killing people and being an all round bad sort until you’re Gangster No 1 (not that that’s a reference to the film). Alternatively, there’s Resident Evil 4, where you play an FBI agent (sheesh! why is it always an FBI agent? Can’t you be a traffic cop, or maybe a filing clerk for a change?) trying to … er … do something or other, but basically you’ve got to kill lots of baddies.

I read a very appreciative review of Scarface somewhere but I’ve been drifting more towards Resident Evil 4 because to my eye the graphics look more polished, it looks more atmospheric, and well, I’d rather be a good guy. Except in this case the FBI agent is female, so it’s a good gal, but what the heck…

So, I nearly bought Resident Evil 4 yesterday. One of the things that put me off however, was the location of my Wii.

It’s in the front room, which means I only really get to play with it when no-one else wants to watch the telly. This isn’t bad for some games — I could play tennis in half-hour bursts, for example — but for something more involved, I’d need a longer chunk of time. Also, Resident Evil 4 is likely to contain violence and gore, so I’d not want to play that in front of the kids.

Although my three year old probably sees more gore watching Hugh Laurie as House, which he watches religiously. I would have imagined he’d find it disturbing, but no. Seemingly he wants to be a doctor…

So, should I move my Wii into my study? It’s quiet, it’s spacious enough, it’s not in front of the children, and I’d be able to leap about to my heart’s content without breaking anything — or more importantly anyone — but unfortunately my telly in the study is too small. It’s got something like an 8 inch screen.

No, I’m not joking, it really is a miniature telly, you can run it off a car battery, and I’ve had it for at least 15 years. But trying to use any pointing device with any great degree of accuracy with it — always assuming you can see the damn thing you’re meant to be aiming at in the first place — is always going to be a non-starter.

So no, I’ve not been playing with the Wii much lately. And unless someone generous benefactor has heard my pitiful sob story and would like to buy me Resident Evil 4 and a nice big telly to play it on, this may be the case for some time yet. No, I didn’t think so either…

7 Responses to “Wii’re Waiting For…”

  1. Seb Crump responds:

    Thanks Jack.

    I was equally unimpressed by the ads for the football game. Hope the tennis one is better. I’m not a fan of shoot-’em-ups personally - preferring strategy or puzzle games like myst to even ‘adventure’, such as Tomb Raider.

  2. Rich Pedley responds:

    Well if they can get the language right in Mario party 8 then hopefully we’ll be getting a copy of that.

    The larger games more intense games don’t interest me, and as the Wii was mainly for the little ‘un then we’ll be sticking to games he likes.

    However I did note the ‘hover board’ attachment that is coming out, now that could lead to some interesting uses!

  3. Anthony responds:

    Mario Strikers was pretty good on the Game Cube… yeah it’s not footy, but it’s a decent game none the less.

    There are a lot of cool games in development… Lego Star Wars with light saber control could be great… there’s a proper Pro Bowling one… Harry Potter… and a er a few others.

    This is how the DS started though. It will take a while for the devs to get their heads around the controller… then there will be floods of games.

    However being a 360 owner I’m most looking forward to Sensible World of Soccer coming to Liver Arcade on August 29 - now that will be awesome…

  4. mark fairlamb responds:

    i discovered a brilliant new shoot ‘em up last week.
    it’s called “take the eldest out into the garden and chase the dog around with water pistols”.
    not available on any console yet……,

  5. Seb Crump responds:

    LOL I’m sure that’s a Sims extension pack :-)

  6. Darren Taylor responds:

    Jack I bought Mario Strikers with my Wii and I love it but then I’m a big fan of Mario games in general. Like yourself I was busting for a new game yesterday and went for Warioware Smooth Moves, after recommendations and reading good reviews - but I’m a little disappointed.

    It’s basically a load of mini games using the Wiimote for the daftest things but what annoys me is that the games are too short. I mean some literally last 2 secs, barely enough time to understand what you are to do or to even enjoy it. I’m looking forward to getting Mario Party 8 despite it’s dodgy reviews. Apparently it was in the shops this week but recalled cos of some disc problem.

  7. JackP responds:

    Erm… many reports seem to suggest that Mario Party 8’s ‘disc problem’ was in fact a recall because people have complained about the term ’spastic’ being used.

    Of course, that’s not the official line, so who knows. But that El Reg story does seem to have a rather incriminating picture…

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