W3C CSS RSS: Fantastic Fantasai

Sorry. I may have got a little carried away with my acronyms there. What I meant was that the CSS WG have listened to comments from bloggers who have pointed out that we don’t necessarily have the time or the inclination to join a mailing list in order to contribute and stay up to date with the latest W3C developments — in my own personal case because previous flirtations with mailing lists (particularly if I contribute to ‘em) have led to spam, and even if I’m not getting spam I don’t want to have to trawl through however many messages before I find something of value to me.

But Fantasai from the CSS WG not only announced a CSS blog, which they launched way back in July, which is a massive step forward in keeping people involved and interested (and I said something along those lines) at the time — also calling for the WCAG WG to follow suit) but they’ve also taken note of the people who commented about the blog and have provided a way for us to get the same sort of information as would be available on the mailing list without having to subscribe to it.

Yes, Fantasai’s Planet Future of CSS post describes how — with a nod to the wacky I18n crowd and their frankly wanky incomprehensible acronyms — the CSS working group have, with CSS.info, pulled together an RSS feed, which mixes in the Working Group Blog, the CSS.info stuff, and the currently experimental CSS soapbox.

Oh, and you’ll find it at The Future Of Style.

Yet again, the CSS Working Group — and in particular Fantasai — are showing the rest how it should be done. Have RSS feeds. Have a blog. Tell people what you are doing. Link back to people who’ve commented about you when you’ve carried out some form of update (that’s how I discovered this). Generally, do what you can to encourage dialogue and debate (which reminds me, any chance of being able to comment on the blog?).

But even those two small steps have made such a difference: since the CSS blog was launched, I’ve learned more about CSS; I’ve developed more of an interest in the future of CSS — now let’s see the same sort of welcome from the other working groups.

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