Toilet Humour

This is a joke with all swearing in it. Please do not read further if you are likely to take offense.

A man walks into a bar, and heads over towards the counter. The only problem is that he doesn’t notice that there’s an enormous, steaming dog shit in the middle of the floor, and he steps right in it, skids all the way over to the bar, where he bangs his head on the counter and collapses in a heap.

Just as he’s pulling himself back to his feet — still feeling a little woozy — a second man comes into the bar and starts to walk towards the counter.

“Wait!” shouts the first man, and waves a hand.

But it’s too late, and the second man steps in the enormous dog turd, slips over and lands on his back right on the turd; nauseatingly his jacket is covered in foul smelling yellow-brown excrement as he climbs back to his feet. He strips his jacket off and throws it to the floor.

“That cost me £150 — And I’ll just have to throw it out now! Anyway, what was it you were going to say?”

The first man shook his head sadly and pointed at the floor where the second man had fallen. “I was just going to warn you that I’d just done that myself…!”

“You did that? You dirty bastard!” said the second man, and knocked him out…

One Response to “Toilet Humour”

  1. Steve responds:

    An alternative punchline is:

    And he rubbed his nose in it.

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