April Blizzards


Okay, so it’s not exactly the most extreme weather conditions on earth, it’s not really that hostile, but I’m not used to blizzards in April.

So I took a picture of it. In case you can’t quite make it out on the picture, it’s the sort of blizzard that makes you try and face away from the snow, because after about three seconds facing into it, you can’t see any more.

It was also the sort of blizzard whereby if you stand outside for more than about 5 seconds, you end up with an all-over crusting of snow: as if you’re a snowman in the early stages of development…

Fair enough, I know it snowed over the Easter weekend, but that was:-

  1. particularly early this year
  2. a bank holiday weekend and therefore legally obliged to have crap weather

So what’s the excuse now?

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