Interest Free

I was on the Team Valley ‘Retail World’ retail park the other day, sitting in a coffee shop tucked away in Borders bookshop. I’m presuming it was a Starbucks as they are pretty much ubiquitous but it could theoretically have been ‘Costa Coffee’ or something similar. Not that this is really relevant, but there you go.

Anyway the point being was that I was gazing out of the window when I saw a couple of people heading towards my car, looking around themselves as they were going. ‘What’s going on here?’ I thought to myself but was slightly relieved to see that they were just dumping advertising leaflets on the windscreens of cars in the vicinity and that they had just happened to start with mine.

Anyway, they did a few more cars, and then suddenly seemed to disappear, which seemed odd, as they’d had an armload of leaflets (once I’d figured out what it was that they were carrying).

However when I finished my coffee and went back to the car, I discovered on the way another car which suggested to me exactly how they had managed to get rid of their leaflets so quickly…

the 'interest free credit' car

Now, I don’t know how the owner of the car felt when he or she got back to it, but my reaction to this would not have been to think favourably about the store in question, given the fact that when I took the single leaflet off my own car windscreen I was rather tempted to crumple it into a ball, walk into the shop, and toss it casually onto their floor since I’m well…

… not really a fan of unsolicited advertising.

But I think it’s fair to say the owner of that car would be unlikely to be wanting to purchase furniture from the store in question, irrespective of how much interest free credit is on offer…

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