Holly: Getting Karma by the day…?

Local writer Holly A. Harvey (and fellow Mike Parr Survivor) will be in Borders bookshop on the Team Valley on Tuesday 27th, to promote Gateshead Council’s Short Story Competition 2008.

Which reminds me, I really must get round to entering that competition one of these years…

If you’re likely to be in the area, why not phone up to reserve a spot (0191 433 8420) ? Or alternatively just turn up at Borders and pretend to be surprised when you find out there’s something on and then shuffle as close as you can…. you might just catch a glimpse of Holly.

If I was a true gentleman, I’d have left it at that. But as I’m not, I’d suggest that if she dresses the same as last time, you might get more of a glimpse than you bargained for.

One Response to “Holly: Getting Karma by the day…?”

  1. Holly responds:

    Given the gloomy weather forecasts, it might just be me, sitting in a corner of Starbucks with a cuppa!!! No change there, then!

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