Archive for September, 2009

The Doctor Who DVD Collection (Update)

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 7:20 61 Comments

Last september, I made a list of the Doctor Who DVDs I own. This list is now somewhat out of date: new ones since last year are <ins>erted… William Hartnell An Unearthly Child (Season 1: 1963) The Daleks (Season 1: 1963-4) The Edge of Destruction (Season 1: 1964) The Aztecs (Season 1: 1964) The Dalek [...]

This was posted under category: Science Fiction

SuperMondays: Databases

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 7:53 8 Comments

Super Mondays is a “strong and vibrant IT community based in the North East Of England”. At least, that’s what it says on the tin. But having not been to a Super Mondays event before, I didn’t know that myself for sure. Which was one of the reasons (the others being networking, and an interest [...]

This was posted under category: Local Interest, Technology

Accessibility Testing Log

Monday, September 28, 2009 14:08 22 Comments

For any of you wanting to carry out any form of accessibility audit, you are going to need some means to record your results, as it may prove difficult to memorise the results of forty or more checkpoints across a whole swathe of pages. To this end, I’ve knocked together a little excel spreadsheet to [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Public Sector, Standards, Technology

How Many Years Experience?

Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:20 2 Comments

When initially discussing setting up my own business through the “Test Trading” scheme, one of the questions I was asked by both the New Deal advisor and the person at the company who manages the Test Trading was “how much experience do I have in the area where I am going to set up the [...]

This was posted under category: Technology

Bored to Board

Friday, September 25, 2009 16:00 4 Comments

That’s all I said on Facebook on Sunday night, and I got some surprising responses. My sister liked the status — I presume she was being empathic and understanding how I felt, but it did come across a little like she was pleased I was bored. Then someone I used to work with said “aye”, [...]

This was posted under category: Gaming, Life

As Sure As Eggs Is…

Friday, September 25, 2009 7:20 38 Comments

I was a little surprised the other day when I had bought some free-range eggs (look, I’m quite happy to eat the unborn children of chickens, but only if those chickens have been kept in relatively reasonable conditions) to discovery the allergy advice given on the box. Just in case you can’t quite make out [...]

This was posted under category: Life, Ranting

WCAG 2.0 for the public sector

Thursday, September 24, 2009 7:20 22 Comments

In June 2008, the COI published a document called Delivering Inclusive Websites, after a consultation period. I had stuck my oar in to contribute towards the document during the consultation period, in my then-role as chair of the Public Sector Web Management Group (PSWMG) and I think that myself and the group did actually provide [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Public Sector, Standards, Technology

Engineering For Accessibility Part 2

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 7:20 18 Comments

This is the second part of my look at Microsoft’s free e-book Engineering for Accessibility, which looks at accessibility for non-web applications (or you can view the the first half of my look). Designing Your Implementation There is then some more technical detail on how specifically to design your implementation, based upon whether the controls [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Disability, Standards, Technology

Engineering For Accessibility Part 1

Tuesday, September 22, 2009 7:20 3 Comments

Microsoft have made their e-book Engineering for Accessibility available as a free download, which is obviously a good thing. I would obviously urge anyone who cares about accessibility to read it, because while the book relates to software rather than web design, the basic principles behind accessibility are the same, and if it helps you [...]

This was posted under category: Accessibility, Disability, Standards, Technology

Spam Offers It’s Easy To Refuse

Monday, September 21, 2009 7:20 3 Comments

The other day a spammer attempted to post a comment on my site, suggesting that I may be looking for a new mobile phone (and I may well be doing that shortly) I should not go elsewhere until I had seen what they had to offer: Don’t buy your next mobile phone until you know [...]

This was posted under category: Scams & Spams